The Nerd Series

Surfshark Nexus - seeks revolution in VPN Industry

VPN March, 12, 2025

Surfshark is a relatively new VPN service compared to its competitors and it has never rested on its laurels. Frequent updates and enhancements have been made to the service and it recently introduced antivirus protection to its comprehensive security suite Surfshark One. 

We have not yet had the opportunity to test the antivirus protection but there is already another major announcement: Surfshark Nexus. This includes a few new capabilities for the primary VPN service and all subscribers will have access to them when they begin rolling out this year. Nexus requires a little explanation but it appears to be a tremendous benefit for existing Surfshark users and another incentive to select this VPN service over others. 

Nexus allows you to connect to Surfshark's whole network as opposed to connecting to a single VPN server that then directs you to the website you wish to access. 

What is Nexus? 

Nexus is an innovative consumer VPN innovation developed by Surfshark utilizing SDN (Software-defined networking) technology. It links you to a vast network of servers before routing you to the desired place. 

It is unlike consumer VPNs that link you to a single VPN server. Each standard consumer VPN resembles a list of distinct virtual private servers rather than a network. 

Separate servers present several issues that Nexus intends to resolve. In brief its primary functions are to: 

  1. Improve your online privacy significantly 
  2. Permit your IP address to change within a network without disabling your VPN connection. 
  3. Provide innovative features that increase privacy. 
  4. Stabilize and accelerate your VPN connection locally and globally. 

One large network for everyone: how does Nexus function? 

Nexus is a cutting-edge technology that combines all of Surfshark's existing servers into a single network. It is a fresh entrance into the VPN industry. This implies that customers will "link to the Nexus network instead of connecting directly to [their] preferred server" yet services such as location selection will remain unchanged. 

It does it by utilizing the adaptability of SDN technology. SDN is a network architectural method that enables the creation and management of virtual networks using software applications. 

According to the provider's website: "In the case of regular consumer VPN services in which clients connect to a specific server within a pool of servers they do not use the network but rather construct a tunnel to a single server among all of their servers. Users must disconnect from the web server before attaching it to a new one in order to update their IP. 

Nexus enables users to connect to the whole server network and utilize several servers without disconnecting from the network.

Surfshark asserts that Nexus resolves several difficulties with conventional VPNs. First the ability to change IP addresses and connect to multiple servers might enhance users' privacy and security as well as make network maintenance simpler resulting in a more stable VPN connection overall. Additionally connection speeds may benefit. 

If you're wondering how this software will improve the VPN experience in practice Surfshark is offering additional capabilities for its users in tandem with Nexus: 

  1. IP Rotator: This function alters your IP address every 5 to 10 minutes without interrupting your connection making it more difficult to monitor your online activity. 
  2. IP Randomizer: It provides a fresh IP address each time you connect to a new website concealing your surfing habits. This option is currently unavailable. It will be implemented during the 2022-23 academic year. 
  3. Dynamic MultiHop: It provides you complete control over your traffic by enabling you to select your own entrance and exit VPN sites. Additionally this is not now operating but it will in the future. 

Why use Nexus? issues with conventional VPNs 

We've developed Nexus to address a multitude of challenges that VPN customers experience today. 

A VPN typically creates an encrypted tunnel between your device and the VPN server. After connecting you are technically connecting to the internet via the VPN server which modifies your "visible" IP address. This tunnel is then used to connect to and disconnect from the internet providing you with an additional degree of cyber security i.e. disguising your true location by displaying a different IP address from the one supplied by your ISP and encrypting your communication. 

However there's a catch. Since you're connected to the server through a direct tunnel you're confronted with many issues: 

  1. The IP address you receive does not change. When connected to a VPN server your actual IP address is concealed but your Internet activity is still associated with a single IP address. If someone obtains this information for any purpose it enhances your likelihood of being recognized. 
  2. VPN companies cannot significantly improve the performance of VPN connections. A direct connection indicates that connecting abroad and particularly over long distances reduces your connection speed and stability. In addition if you connect to an overloaded server a VPN service cannot unload the server without disconnecting its users. 
  3. Outages maintenance and long-distance connections may cause VPN disconnection. Direct connection fully depends on the status of the VPN server. If the connection drops for whatever reason you may be left unprotected and your data exposed. 

Nexus capabilities handle traditional VPN issues 

Connecting all of our servers to a single Nexus network will enable us to introduce new VPN capabilities and advantages that solve frequent customer issues. 

  1. When connecting to a VPN over an extended period of time with the same IP address the IP Rotator (feature) eliminates the associated privacy problems. It will update your IP address frequently without disconnecting you from the VPN. You will have the option of rotating your IP address in a specified area nation region or worldwide. 
  2. IP Randomizer will conceal your browser history. When activated this function will assign your device a new IP address whenever you visit a new website (or any other internet resource). 
  3. Dynamic MultiHop (feature) enables you to arbitrarily choose your own entrance and exit VPN sites. Want to travel via Austria to the United States and then switch to Singapore? Try your best. They will all be connected to the same network regardless. 
  4. Better speeds. Nexus will enable us to link you to the best-performing (in most cases nearest) entrance servers and permit you to depart from any place. This will resolve a significant portion of the international and local internet speed problems. 
  5. Better connection. Typically connection optimization network performance optimization and maintenance will be performed without removing you from the VPN. Therefore your connections will be more reliable and you will be better protected from DNS and data packet leaks. 
  6. Better VPN performance. We will be able to route your traffic based on your traffic patterns such as streaming downloading and browsing thanks to a network of servers. This will increase the performance of your connection. This DOES NOT imply that we are tracking your behavior. Inside the network only traffic patterns are visible. 

When will Nexus be offered? 

It already exists! In the previous few months the foundation for Nexus has already been put out on our servers. The first available Nexus feature is an IP rotator which allows you to change your IP address automatically every 5 to 10 minutes without connection disruptions. 

All other planned features will be implemented progressively between 2022 and 2023. This will guarantee a seamless transition and improve the user experience. 

What are you waiting for if you're not already one of our users? The future of VPNs is here and Surfshark is the sole provider.

The new era of VPNs begins

Blink and you’ll miss it

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