The Nerd Series

7 Ways To Improve Your Kids' Creative Thinking And Learning Skills

Education March, 14, 2025

In this ever-evolving world every parent wants to give their child the best education and care. But traditional old methods of schooling are very boring and not so effective. For this purpose various schools and parents are developing different methods to improve the creativity and learning ability of the child.

But as we know that child development is a very fascinating topic. Every adult starts as a fragile baby who depends on their caretakers for everything. As they grow they become independent children and presumably high-functioning adults. What happens during each of these stages is very important for your child's future growth.

Your child will learn skills in many different ways as he or she grows up. For example a toddler won't learn new skills in the same way that a child in school will. Depending on what they need and where they live children will develop different skills. As kids get older their skills start to work well together.

But before we learn various methods of developing your child's creative thinking and learning skills. Let us understand what the term learning skills and Critical thinking means.

What are Learning Skills?

Learning skills are things that a child can do to help him or her learn better and remember what they have learned. Learning skills include things like knowing how to manage and use his time well taking good notes reading well studying well and knowing how to take tests among other things.

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking skills depend on being able to look at think about and evaluate data information and ideas to understand their connections integrity how to use them across areas of knowledge and validity.

Creativity and the ability to learn can help in many areas of life. It could help your kid solve problems talk to each other and meet new people.

Also creative thinking often leads to new ideas and new ways of doing things. It is also linked to a better state of mind and mental health. Research has shown for example that drawing can help people deal with pain anxiety and other emotional problems. The good news is that there are a lot of ways to get kids to be creative while also helping them learn well.

In the blog we'll talk about many ways to teach kids how to think creatively and learn skills effectively.

1. Fun Worksheets

Children learn faster when they are having fun while they are learning. They like to play look around make things and find out about new things. They learn better when worksheets and other learning tools are used.’s printable fun worksheets for kids promote games and activities that kids can do together. A child can't learn and remember what they've learned just by playing alone. Because of this it is very important for students to use worksheets for kids to practice what they have already learned.

For instance you could use math language science and other children's worksheets. It goes without saying that worksheets for kids are a great way to help them review and remember what they are learning.

2. Interactive Games

These days it's not rare to see a child with a smartphone. Research shows that by the time a child is eight he or she spends about 7.5 hours a day in front of a screen.

You have to accept that these kids will grow up with smartphones in their hands whether you like it or not.

So instead of yelling and shouting why not take advantage of this opportunity and use this habit to your advantage? Traditional ways of teaching are changing and schools are thinking about how to update their ways of teaching. The traditional ways of teaching are slow and strict. They don't work on every child and most kids need a lot of therapy before they can be changed.

Adding educational games could be one way to make teaching more modern. Studies show that adding game-like elements to tests raises students' test scores by 15%. Not only that but they also show that retention rates have gone up by another 11%.

In addition to being more fun prizes feedback and points in educational games can help kids be more self-motivated.

3. Lesson Plans

Any teacher who has been in the job for a while will tell you that planning lessons are an important part of the job. Teachers all over the world usually spend up to half of their work time on things other than teaching. Lesson planning takes up a lot of this time.

Lesson planning is the process by which teachers combine the goals of the curriculum their knowledge of how to teach and their knowledge of their classrooms.

If you ask 10 teachers what the benefits of lesson planning are you might get 10 different answers. People also have different ideas about how far ahead a teacher should plan classes. Some people say to exercise once a week while others say to get ready a month ahead of time.

In the end though the goal is to help students learn in the best way possible. Putting together well-thought-out lesson plans takes time and thought but it can pay off in a number of ways.

4. Activities

Development in early childhood happens long before a child goes to preschool. Observing playing and making things are all ways for kids to learn and develop early skills that will help them through the fun but hard preschool years. To keep your child interested happy and curious these early learning activities for children should be play-based hands-on and full of movement.

Benefits Of Activity Learning

  1. These activities help kids pay attention for longer which makes it easier for them to learn new things and improves their long-term memory.
  2. Children's fine motor skills will get better as they learn to control communicate and focus and as they develop a sense of dedication to getting things done.
  3. Participating in hands-on enrichment activities in preschool gives kids a lifelong love of learning.
  4. When kids learn through hands-on activities they use all of their senses. They look at touch and interact with real-world items to finish tasks.
  5. Children stay interested excited and involved because they are having fun.

5. Learning Exercises

There is no better way to learn how to do math than with a pencil and paper. Math exercises are great tools for kids to cover topics like counting basic math skills fractions and decimals.

Similarly there are online exercises available on for understanding what you read to get better at reading. There are stories followed by activities and there are also exercises for specific problems with understanding.

And to create interest in our kids more about the physical sciences earth sciences and biological sciences we can take the help of various online exercises.

6. Workbooks

No longer are teachers the only ones who can get workbooks for their students. Parents and other caregivers can now find a wide range of workbooks to use at home that covers a wide range of topics and skills. Workbooks can be a great way to supplement homeschooling virtual education or to keep kids from losing skills over time. They can be used to improve reading skills or learn how to code for example. Teachers have made sure that these workbooks meet the needs of each grade level's curriculum and that the bright pages and fun activities will keep kids interested.

Workbooks are the best way for kids in preschool and elementary school to learn whether you're a parent or caregiver trying to keep kids from forgetting what they've learned or just trying to fill the time that would otherwise be spent on other things.

7. Storytelling

Telling stories is a great way to help kids learn and grow. A recent study shows that telling stories to kids helps them feel empathy builds their brains and sets the stage for them to learn how to get along with others and communicate with them. Introduce kids to stories to help them think of new ways to solve problems and come up with new ideas.

When kids learn to tell their stories out loud to their friends and teachers they gain skills like creativity language development communication skills social skills and confidence. These important parts support every part of the curriculum and get students ready to do well in school.


Many people think that creativity is something you are either born with or you are not. But more and more research shows that creativity is a skill that can be taught. There are a lot of ways to get kids to be creative and most of them don't take a lot of time.

When kids are encouraged to do creative things it helps them learn how to solve problems and think critically. They need these skills to get along with their peers and as adults.

Using the tips above you may be able to help your child learn how to think creatively and expand their imagination which will set them up for success now and in the future.