The Nerd Series

Animator From Toronto Carved All The Original Pokémon On Pumpkins

Fiction March, 13, 2025

Adrian kieda A Toronto-based animator and content developer has truly won Halloween by carving all of the 151 Pokémon into pumpkins. Sharing an image on r/Toronto and then r/pokemon with caption “Spent the last 6 days carving all 151 Original Pokémon!”

The project started as a joke but it was something he’d always wanted to do. As exciting and fascinating it seems it would have cost him a lot of money to get those pumpkins transported and a lot more time to carve them not to mention all the hard work and pain his hands would have gone through.

All 151 are DOOOOONNEEE!!!!!!! See them lit up tonight if you live near by!! ?

Posted by Adrian Kieda on Wednesday October 31 2018

The proud owner of 151 Pokémon told us that due to the convoluted details of some of the Pokémon like Tangela Alakazam Poliwhirl and Poliwrath they were the hardest to carve. He also said “My arms are toast! My right thumb especially may or may not be broken. Like I struggled to zip a jacket up today.”

If the Pokémon pumpkins hold up against the squirrels and the raccoons Kieda plans to bring his masterpiece over to Soruaren Park for annual pumpkin parade. Also he plans to publish photos of the pumpkins individually in the near future.

Spent the last 6 days carving all 151 Original Pokémon!! ? Lighting them up on Tarragona Blvd Tn! from toronto

“Currently working on editing them all to the Pokémon rap” he revealed on Reddit. Pokémon trainers from all over the world are fantasizing over this man’s dedication. Some even consider him the ultimate master. Even without the help from someone like Misty or Brock Adrian has been successful in capturing all of the original Pokémon in Pumpkins though.

Gaining over twenty thousand upvotes in a span of just ten hours on Reddit. He has become an overnight sensation among the geeks. Some followers are even considering him as the greatest Pokémon Master on Reddit (after Ash Ketchum though).

As Ash Ketchum said “Gotta Catch ‘Em All”

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