The Nerd Series

Artificial Intelligence Is The Solution To Chronic Pains In Dogs

Science March, 14, 2025

With the help of a new artificial intelligence technique veterinaries will be able to detect chronic diseases causing unbearable pain to the animals. This will not only help the vets to identify the chronic disease but would help them to identify them before time so that treatment can be started ahead of time.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (CKCS) is a bread predisposed to Chiari-like malformation. It is a disease that causes a deformity in the skull and neck. But sometimes the cases are worse when it reaches the spinal cord. The spinal cord damage is called syringomyelia it is straightforward to identify but the pain associated with it is not easy to detect.

But a solution to that problem has also been found which is artificial intelligence. Researchers from the University of Surrey’s Center for Vision Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) and School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM) in their detailed paper published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine explained their method in detail.

Adrian Hilton Surrey professor and director of CVSSP explained in his statement how the project works. The artificial intelligence will provide a new diagnostic tool for animal health. Using the technique of mapping and MRI the pain areas would be identified and further course of the treatment would be decided.

The team discovered various patterns in the MRI through mapping technique which will further help the vets to identify dogs suffering from CM-associated pain. The technique involves the neural tissue sphenoid bone canines’ third ventricle and presphenoid bone.

Lead study author Michaela Spiteri a research student at CVSSP said in her statement that Cavalier King Charles Spaniel’s that are suffering from the terrible disease can be cured with time with the help of machine learning. It will not only help the four-legged members of our family to live in peace but would also help them to not suffer the disease at all with the help of regular check-ups.

In the research it was also found that dogs suffering from this disease have a skull and neck which is different in shape and size from the rest of the dogs. It is the first identification one can identify. They also have a reduced nasal tissue. “This study suggests that the whole skull rather than just the hindbrain should be analyzed in diagnostic tests” according to co-author Penny Knowler of the research paper.

“It also impacts … how we should interpret MRI from affected dogs” she continued “and the choices we make when we breed predisposed dogs and develop breeding recommendations.”

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