The Nerd Series

Developers Removing Their Games From Stream Due To Silence On Black Lives Matter

Gaming March, 15, 2025

The arising stench due to the severe incident has reached several fields. As a result the upshot leads to a situation that cannot be overlooked in any way. When COVID-19 alone had taken the world by storm the US has seen another deracination in almost all walks of life. And it is obvious to be so because there is a wave of overflowing anger against the barefaced treatment. Above all as an esteemed organization it becomes necessary to stand with what’s right. Or else the repercussions would be waiting for you.

As conspicuous Valve has been facing the same issue due to its silence on the Black Lives Matter movement. Many indie developers have decided to remove their games from Stream. With several other companies showing their support to the movement there’s an oddity when Valve remains silent. If at all other organizations can contribute it in any manner they are not hesitating from their step. However Valve stands apart with no voice being raised to support the ongoing movement. This silence has brought several questions to the gaming community.

From the reports by Games Industry game developers are now requesting Valve to remove their games from their platform. Julian Glander the creator of Art Sqool and Lovely Weather We’re Having has raised questions against Valve’s silence. He stated that Stream and Valve have decided not to address the Black Lives Matter movement.

He added: “It’s clear than ever that the owners of this platform feel beholden to a base of angry white male gamers. This makes me especially sad because I feel that some of these people are the people who most need to hear the message of Black Lives Matter.” With this he also admitted that he doesn’t want his company’s game to be associated with Stream as it seems embarrassing.

With this decision followed several supports to Glander from other companies as well. Other indie developers like Ghost Time Games also did the same. Gabriel Koenig removed Test Tube Titans from Stream which followed by Dan Sanderson removing First Winter for the same reason. Besides it wasn’t a typical decision for Koenig as he tweets: “I’ve been making ~$1000 a month in sales lately and leaving that behind made me feel uncomfortable. But if I continued to profit from their store I’d be complicit with their silence on hate.”

For Sanderson it was crucial to follow the principle. Even if it isn’t linked to earning money going with the flow during this situation has become so important. For Valve it’s still unclear if this step makes any impact so as to speak something on this concern.

Well this situation has given heat to a different debate. Some say that it won’t make any impact in the present scenario. Above all we shall leave it on time to see what happens next. For sure what some developers have done is purely a gesture to support the movement and stand against the one being silent for a while. They won’t have any intentions to oppose Valve as of now.

The post Developers Removing Their Games From Stream Due To Silence On Black Lives Matter appeared first on The Nerd Series.