The Nerd Series

New Space Helmet Face Masks Have Sparked A Debate On The Internet

Science March, 14, 2025

While face masks are the most important thing right now to help us be safe from the coronavirus there are a few people who didn’t receive the memo. It’s hard to understand why people find it so difficult to wear them when all it does is protect them.

One firm has introduced a new and different type of masks considering the comfort of people especially the ones who complain about the inconvenience those pieces of fabric cause.

MicroClimate Air is the new kind of mask or rather a space helmet that covers a person’s head completely and is equipped with everything to create a fresh breathable environment inside.

According to MicroClimate’s Facebook page this mask in the shape of a helmet “is a new wearable that creates a safe healthy and comfortable environment for the individual.” “The device also protects surrounding bystanders from the person wearing the device. An innovative face mask for public use” they further write.

These masks are made using advanced technology and provide complete protection. They have a ventilation system with high-powered fans installed for drawing in air through the filters. Through this process the Air is able to remain ‘fresh and fog free’. People won’t feel any suffocation while wearing them.

This mask has created quite a lot of controversy already with a few people baffled by its design. They are unable to fathom the thought behind building something that makes people look like astronauts roaming around.

On the other hand there are some people who are impressed by this face mask and want to give it a try. The company’s website explains that these helmets “seal around the neck instead of the face”. Also the “impermeable fabric forces all incoming and outgoing air through its patented filtration system”.

One person let his feelings out about this by stating “I don’t know how to feel anymore.” That says it all!

“YESSS. Now this is what I wanted for my 2020 futuristic horrific dystopia. Microclimate air helmets only for those who can afford them” one tweet about the AIR read.

Entrepreneur Michael Hall found the skiing equipment to be quite restrictive and that’s how these helmets were invented. The website reveals that Hall “envisioned a new kind of wearable that would create a ‘micro climate’ around the head. Air realized that dream!

One such helmet costs $199. If you can shell out this amount then go ahead and buy one for yourself.

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