The Nerd Series

Overburdened and leisure time-deficit women have no time for board games

Gaming & Crypto March, 13, 2025

A study stressed women enjoy less board game time than men. According to respondents they had no time for these games. The pandemic worsened the situation for them. The burden of household chores and childcare went a long way in chipping away their time. Apart from that they faced many issues like racism. Many games come with male labels.

The pandemic turned out to be a bolt from the blue for all people. However certain sections lost more than others. Among them women topped the list. With people locking themselves behind the doors household chores attained a new high. Women had to work day and night to meet the expectations of their family members. That went a long way in taking a toll on their physical and mental health. According to a study they had no time for board games owing to that. 

Covid-19 went a long way in derailing the gains made on the women's empowerment front. Women slid back to the horrors of vulnerabilities and responsibilities. They spent their entire day running up and down to serve other family members. Not just that they also grounded their soul and heart in delivering the best on that note.

Looking into those facets American Time Use Survey came up. According to the survey women cherished an hour less leisure time than men each day. Not just that on the childcare front they worked three times more than men during the COVID-19 times. Apart from that The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development has been researching the domain for years. According to them North Americans have been spending around 1.5 to 1.8 times more on paid work than leisure activities.

The long and unpaid working hours have been burdening women. According to another study women stressed lack of time as one of the reasons why they did not play board games. Apart from them they also came up with reasons like racism sexism bullying gatekeeping and interpersonal social drama. Many games came up with the labels of male dominance.

The growing leisure gap has affected 60.4 percent of women respondents. According they did not have the energy and time left to engage in board games. Taking on that part one parent shared “we play at least one game every week and I try to play games with my kids as often as I can but we’re usually tired.”

Another parent named Micha said “True leisure time is a massive barrier. Free time to play games with adults is very very challenging for me to find. You’re rushed or you’re stopping to juggle the kids in the background or you have to fight the kids getting to bed early…”

Adding to that one parent named Ciel said “I am finding it’s not just the time but it’s also the brain power because it is an actively engaged hobby. It takes more from you in terms of commitment than watching TV. I could stick on the Great British Bake Off and watch that. This takes no participation whatsoever from me. Because gaming is active rather than passive it’s about the time and the energy.”

Not just that people shift the blame back on women by using the excuse “women don’t like gaming and particularly heavy games.” They try to look away from the real problem and put it in oblivion. However this is a grave issue and demands urgent intervention. One can see less gaming time as a proxy for less leisure. Work and home need to acquire a balance on boards.