The Nerd Series

Photographer Transforms Mothers Into Disney Princesses

Fiction March, 14, 2025

Pregnancy is not only about creating a new life and giving birth. It has more to it. With pregnancy comes swollen feet swollen ankles heartburns frequent urination nausea and what not? But Brazilian photographer has found a way to make mothers give more than that. From heartburns and swollen feet to the experience of royalty the photographer has figured it out.

Vanessa Firme is doing photo shoots for the expecting mothers where she is transforming the soon to be mothers onto Disney Princesses. The photo shoots are not more obvious anymore. Vanessa has put more life and royalty to the portraits now. The portraits are not only delightful for the parents but will be for their children as well. There are very pretty to look at.

The expecting mothers have been cradling their baby bumps beautifully no matter what princess they are portraying. From Cinderella to mermaid to Princess Fiona everyone is looking amazing. The photographer shared her experience with the Insider and told that she wanted all the mothers to experience what a happily ever after feels like. She wanted the mothers to feel what the Disney movies feel like after the ending. The photographer is herself a mother of two and shared “I thought this must be what happens after ‘happily ever after.’”

The photographer got the inspiration for her themed photo shoots after she did a photo shoot of a custom made maternity dress by Amada Mae. The custom made dress was made for the Disney character Belle. The dress was made during the release of the film ‘Beauty and the Beast’ which was released in 2017.

Vanessa feels and believes that Disney princesses and characters are the best way to celebrate the mother’s pregnancy and new journey. She shared that she believes mothers are “a great inspiration to children in the world.” After sharing her pictures from the photo shoots the pictures went viral in no time. People loved the theme and the whole idea behind the photo shoots.

Vanessa shared “It is very fun and pleasurable to see someone transform into a princess and I often think about how it will be written in family history.” She further shared with Good Morning America that “These photos tell mothers that they can all be whoever they want to be.” After the portraits shared by Vanessa one can no longer say that pregnancy photo shoots are predictable and usual.

Pregnancy itself is a very fascinating process and now even the photo shoots are amazing. This new theme has for sure added more color and life to the pregnancy photo shoots. The smile on the mother’s faces is enough to tell how happy and delightful they are. More power and happiness to these and all the other expecting and soon to be mothers.

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