The Nerd Series

Students Put Billboards With Netflix Spoilers To Keep People Inside

Movies March, 13, 2025

At first people confused these digitally made posters to be real Netflix advertisements and so they quickly went viral all over the place. The real idea belongs to tow students who have sworn to make people abide by the laws of lockdown. This in turn would be fruitful in curbing the spread of coronavirus. After all what better way to keep millennials away from the need for social interaction than the revelation of spoilers from their favorite series. Both Seine Kongruangkit along with Matithorn Prachuabmoh Chaimoungkalo nicknamed as ‘Brave are a duo who both go to the Miami Ad School in Deutschland.

On returning to their native nation Thailand they were stunned at the levels of ignorance towards the rules of social distancing. And so they decided to take charge of the matter. Brave the recent copywriting graduate from the institutes’ branch in Hamburg in the interview with LADbible revealed that he was called on a mission to collaborate on communicating the idea and concept of social distancing and self-isolation to the community. Besides this he was also supposed to educate people on how staying indoors is the best thing we can do on our parts to combat COVID-19. Seine who studies Art Direction from the Berlin branch of the school joined hands with his partner a day later.

The two quickly got to work and decided to flatten the curve once and for all. In an interview Seine mentioned that it was not possible to force people to stay indoors. Man is a social animal and needs interaction and fresh air from time to time and so it is obvious that they could not use regular ways. In such a situation where people are not taking the authorities seriously only one thing came to their mind something that will motivate people to stay indoors.


Post Brave’s invitation to save Thailand Seine came up with the brilliant idea of putting up spoilers posters all across the known land compelling the millennials to stick indoors because duh! According to Brave the reluctance to stay indoors during this phase of a pandemic has to be understood individual cases. Some are forced to leave their homes every day because the course of nature demands them to- including the daily wage workers etc. But the idea is for those who can avoid social gatherings for some time- the millennials and the youngsters. Additionally he also believes that the current generation lacks the discipline that the older generations hold.

And that is exactly why the idea is perfect. Because nothing bothers a youngster more than a spoiler. The team also pitched the idea to Netflix who refused the same. Thus for now things are in control and hopefully they will stay so!

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