The Nerd Series

Study Reveals Astronaut Training Routine May Help Cancer Patients

Science March, 14, 2025

Astronauts endure hard to get in shape and form before donning their spacesuits. But that is not the end of the story of their hard work. They have to face the wrath of space conditions. Their bodies go through many changes that can wreak havoc on their lives. A team of researchers has presented another facet of this story by connecting their condition with that of cancer patients.

The researchers have studied and followed the body mechanisms of astronauts and cancer patients parallelly. After putting in efforts for long periods they achieved a big feat. They ended up noting down some stunning similarities between the changes in the bodies of astronauts and cancer patients. According to the study both groups go through muscle mass loss bone “demineralization” etc. Not just that they have also linked the problem of ‘space fog’ in astronauts with the ‘chemo brain’ problem in cancer patients.

Taking on that part Jessica Scott (senior study author and an exercise physiology researcher at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s Exercise Oncology Service) shared “Both have a decrease in muscle mass and they have bone demineralization and changes in heart function”. Adding to that she said “Astronauts may get something called ‘space fog’ where they have trouble focusing or get a little forgetful. That’s very similar to what some cancer patients experience which is called ‘chemo brain’”.

Also according to her it was surprising when they had looked at similarities.

So the study stresses the role of physical activities like walking etc. in lowering down the side effects of the treatment of cancer. It is a stunning fact that most of the cancer experts go ahead to give importance to the treatment of cancer only. They overlook the need to devise the ways to deal with its side effects. According to a study 90% of the early-stage cancer survivors do not go through the framework to put down the side effects of their cancer treatments.

Grabbing that fact Scott said “That’s why it’s very timely that we start thinking about how to utilize NASA’s tactics to manage some of these long-term side effects of cancer treatments. Many patients aren’t dying from their cancer but they’re now at risk of dying from these side effects. Using NASA’s exercise plan could help with this”.

So her team is working on the plans to provide in-home treadmills and software to let patients come in contact with them to work on their fitness while going through their treatments.

Well a lot more is still to come from their side. But it seems like NASA can play a significant role in curbing the physical illness of cancer patients.

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