The Nerd Series

The most value for money webhosting - SiteGround

Hosting March, 14, 2025

The world we reside in is evolving at a constant speed. And so is our dependence on the internet. With this growing internet usage where the real world has practically completely been shifted on a virtual platform having a dynamic online presence is what a business mandate is for.

Holding an online presence permits you to reach others in an earlier unimaginable way constructing the advantages of maintaining one obvious. Nevertheless drafting a website can be a complex and daunting job. That's where web hosting comes into the picture.

Whether you are planning to craft your website on your own or hiring someone to help you with the chore a web host is what you mandate to publish the website online.

We have clustered several facts about web hosting and a few names of some amazing firms that can help you with it for ease of work.

Have a look to unwrap them!

Why Do Websites Require Hosting?

Why do we need web hosting? - Quora

To put simply web hosting is a physical room granted to you for your store's website along with the connection required for accessing your website by others. The room provided is located on a server that facilitates storage and access to your website through the internet. Servers are often real physical devices though they can be assembled virtually.

Web hosting is bought from a web hosting provider also known as the web host. You can assume a web host to be your website landlord from whom you rent out a room for your website monthly or annually. Your website contains multiple items such as text images videos and more. A web host can retain and manage all of them for you.

Since the number of services furnished is enormous considering before choosing one is extremely important.

How does web hosting work?

The Meaning Behind Web Hosting - Blog

Web hosting transpires when a file that would create the website is transferred to a web server from a local computer. Subsequently the server's resources like hard drive space RAM and bandwidth are allotted to the websites utilizing it.

The portion of the server's resources that would be proffered entirely dependent on the hosting plan you choose for your website. In order to select a suitable hosting plan for your website you first need to comprehend the difference between the available types of plans.

Selecting web hosting is somewhat similar to looking for an office space. But the dilemma is how to decide which type of space is ideal for your needs?

Well besides the style of your office there are a few more worthy considerations to make such as ascertaining which functions they offer how easy the rooms are to access where they are located and the overall cost involved.

Types Of Web Hosting

Carrying out the process of hosting via the help of a designated service provider lifts the burden of setup and subsequent maintenance of the shoulder. There are a couple of different types of web hosting available. Read on to know about them:

Shared hosting

What is Shared Hosting? Uses Advantages Examples and Plans of Shared Hosts

Shared web hosting is a very common and economical option. Here a single server is held liable to manage and provide services to multiple clients. It is a perfect option for people having a budget as a constraint. Perhaps the economic advantage is facilitated with a trade-off. The opportunity for disruption is more as there are multiple server users.

Virtual private servers (VPS)

Best VPS Hosting [2022] - Virtual Private Servers Explained

VPS is somewhat similar to shared hosting. The only difference is you have a dedicated space for your file storage along with designated server resources to use. However these characteristics heighten its price as well. VPS is mainly chosen over shared hosting as it reduces the threat of sharing hardware with the service provider's other clients.

Dedicated hosting

How Dedicated Hosting Works?

Dedicated hosting is a dedicated server. Such type of hosting jeopardizes all the security and performance threats arising from shared hosting. However this characteristic increases the expense of hosting to a great extent which can further amplify the arising need for regular maintenance and management.

Managed hosting

Benefits of Managed Hosting services for your Website

Managed hosting is similar to a dedicated server; the only difference lies in the administrative options proffered. In the case of managed hosting the maintenance and security responsibilities are administered by the service provider renouncing you to control content via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) the regulations utilized by networked computers to communicate with each other.

Cloud hosting

List of Differences Between Cloud & Hosted Services

Among all the web hosting options cloud hosting is the newest. It employs resource sharing and hierarchy to propel down outlay and lessen the chance of prominent service turmoil's. This type of hosting can be much more affordable as well as comfortable. Perhaps remember to go through the pricing works before engaging with one.

Besides these five common types of hosting a few more options are available including a home server where the entire setup is to be carried out by oneself. But before taking the tech setup in hand make sure to do your homework.

What You Should Expect From Your Provider

The two most essential things to expect from a web host provider are stability and security. But different subscribers and assignments have their unique designated requirements where some might only require inert storage for their primarily text-based website while others might mandate more diligent functionality. One might even want access to sub-domains or custom email addresses specifically those running a multidimensional project or a small business.

Considering the abundance of choices obtainable it's essential to correspond outlay and functionality when approximating distinct service providers and their proffered hosting projects.

The best way to ascertain a suitable type of plan is to evaluate your expectations from it. If you don't plan to flourish or magnify its functionality anytime soon it is better to opt for a much cheaper or simpler plan. These are best for low-maintenance static pages or websites that don't mandate regular updates or heavy media content.

But suppose you anticipate growing your website dramatically even though it is not currently but in the long run. In that case it is better to choose a provider that proffers a plethora of growth opportunities going far beyond domain signup and hosting.

Reasons To Employ A Third-Party Hosting Service

The foremost reason to engage with a third-party hosting service is the hassle and risk-free service.

Setting up your hosting service can be a lot more expensive and time-consuming leaving you vulnerable if you lack the tech knowledge and fail to keep the security mandated. While third-party hosting services proffers comprehensive support even after the service is provided shortly after a report is lodged of an error via email or telephone.

These service providers also facilitate multiple spontaneous services you'd anticipate including interface support and user metrics. Perhaps efficient users who are well aware of the tech setup requirement enjoy self-hosting setup.

How Do You Pick The Best Hosting Company?

Change tools and disburse some time with user inspections if your eyes start skimming over while reading attributes lists and analyzing pricing plans. Before marking up it's often a good idea to go through other people's experiences.

Nevertheless once you've grasped the fundamentals of web hosting consider which layout pleads to you the most: shared dedicated or otherwise. It's likewise a good thought to make a brief checklist of vital features so you can skim through text-heavy plan descriptions more quickly.

However if you're looking for a decent place to start right now we recommend SiteGround's various hosting packages as our top options.

Our Recommendation!

SiteGround is a prevalent web hosting provider because of its lower costs and thorough offerings. Its entry-level services are especially low and pricing is lax compared to other providers specifically for domain signup and other incidentals.

SiteGround offers nearly all of the hosting options detailed above as well as a few additions such as reseller hosting. Security updates app-based services and even enterprise support are optional add-ons.

SiteGround is an incredible versatile alternative for most consumers because of its inexpensive pricing and recurring promotional discounts.

Why We Recommend SiteGround?

One of the primary reasons why we prefer using SiteGround is because the platform is multi-functional allowing users to expand their operations to any level. While many web hosting companies restrict their users at certain places when it comes to SiteGround things are different.

The platform allows users to take complete initiative with:

  1. Seamless scaling for businesses of any shape.
  2. Hosting solutions that are developed in-house.
  3. Advanced hosting architecture that allows seamless optimization improving speed and performance in the process.
  4. Regular software updates to improve security and performance of the system and incorporate advanced elements like AI (artificial intelligence) to help improve the security across the platform and reduce any chances of hacks.

When compared to other similar software platforms SiteGround is one of the trusted names that presents its userbase with an authentic commitment helping its customers of all scales and sizes in succeeding in their eCommerce ventures. Overall it is one of the most reliable platforms with seamless services and cost-effective operations for businesses of all sizes.