The Nerd Series

The Onesie Made the Woman Look Like a Villain of a Movie

Movies March, 14, 2025

A woman confessed that she couldn’t stop laughing after she received a onesie from Pretty Little Thing that made her look like a villain from the movie Despicable Me. TikTok star Libby Whitsey @libbywhitsey got the orange jumpsuit for free from the online retailer’s Black Friday sale where some products were completely free of cost as the magazine reports.

Libby said that some people got good quality clothes for nothing so she was eager when her package arrived but she was startled when she opened it and saw a tiny orange onesie the ‘size of a babygrow’. She immediately tried it on and said she looked like Vector from Despicable Me so decided to straight away donate the free item of clothing to the charity.

Libby from Leicester posted a picture of her in the onesie on TikTok and wrote that when everyone got nice things on Pretty Little Things 100 percent off sale and she got this. She continued saying that she got it in a size of XS and her first reaction to the piece was how small it looked before she even tried it on. It looked like the size of the baby’s sleepsuit.

She uploaded a video where she put on the onesie and she quickly saw herself as “Vector the Villian” in the most-watched animated film Despicable Me. She further said that when she was trying to wear it she just couldn’t help but laugh at herself because it looked so funny. However one thing which actually made her appreciate the onesie was that it stretched a lot and she was able to fit in it fine.

As soon as she posted the video she got hundreds of comments being compared to Vector- she even received a comment from the verified Minions TikTok account saying it was an excellent purchase. Fortunately Libby saw the funny side of the comment and said that it could be a perfect outfit for Halloween next year.

She believed that if she did style it better maybe if she wore a pair of jeans underneath to turn it into just a top it could actually look nice. Many people who saw her video suggested her fashion inspirations in which she could turn this disaster into a really commendable look. Libby managed to get another top for free during the Black Friday sale so she decided to let go of the onesie.

She said that she would be donating it along with my other unwanted clothes to either a clothing bank or a charity shop so that it doesn’t go to waste.