The Nerd Series

Top Tax Software Compared for Hassle-free Tax Filing

Software March, 14, 2025

The tax return is something that every citizen must do. With the arrival of 2023 many of us are confused about tax filing and which software to choose. There are many tax software and online tools that can be used to fill out any tax form. Taxes are complicated enough without having to worry about which tax software is the best.

So we conducted research to assist you in selecting the best tax software for filing taxes online. While the tax code is the tax code there's a critical difference between paying for what you'll use and paying for what you won't use.

The following is a handpicked selection of the top income tax platforms along with an overview of their most popular features. Scroll down and read about them in detail:

1 Curadebt

It can be hard to decide to join a debt relief program because you don't know what to expect. However you do know that you need help. It's true that no two people's financial situations are the same which is why it's so important for a debt relief company to offer personalized solutions. You want someone to help you who knows that the same work they did for their last client won't necessarily work for you too.

CuraDebt knows this and gives you more than one way to get out of debt depending on your needs and goals. It provides personalized solutions to every customer. CuraDebt is a program that helps people and businesses all over the country get out of debt. It lets you file federal taxes and is priced very reasonably.

If we talk about Curadebt reviews it is the top choice of people when they need personalized solutions while filing taxes. According to users the employees are the best qualified and most experienced in the industry which lets it give the best possible service and the most accurate information based on your specific circumstances.


  1. You won't have to pay anything upfront. You'll only pay when the program helps you.
  2. You can get a free consultation to find out if debt settlement is the right choice for you.
  3. Get help negotiating tax debts and a wide range of other debts that are not secured.
  4. Has great reviews from customers
  5. Finds violations by creditors that can lead to cash settlements debts being dropped or both.

2 E-file

E-File does the job better than TurboTax or H&R Block for less money. It has fewer and simpler services than the big names in the industry which makes the platform easier to use. E-File is the best option if you don't need hands-on help from a CPA to fill out your personal tax return.

The IRS has approved it to be a safe and reliable website where people can prepare their own tax returns. It makes sure your information is safe by encrypting it. Every time you log in you also have to use multi-factor authentication to prove who you are. E-File is online tax software that gets a lot of attention because it seems to be free at first glance.

The interface has a number of sections where you can put your information about things like income expenses and so on. You can go deeper into each section to find the right forms to file. It gets the job done and doesn't waste time. Multiple positive reviews are enough to make it a great choice for filing taxes.


  1. Very low-cost answer
  2. Easy and quick
  3. Helps with the most common IRS forms and schedules
  4. Simple but easy to use and get around.

3 FreeTaxUSA

FreeTaxUSA also has a lot to offer taxpayers who are worried about getting their refunds right and as quickly as possible. The platform is free to use to file federal taxes but it costs $12.95 to file state taxes. Still all customers can use its IRS e-File provider service sample forms and biggest return guarantees along with great audit help and updated deluxe returns.

Premium clients can get help filling out their taxes one-on-one and get priority support at any time. At the moment FreeTaxUSA has one of the largest client databases in its industry and has been used to file more than 18 million tax returns with the highest level of accuracy according to the company.

Users can use FreeTaxUSA to deal with notices and letters from the IRS and get ready for an audit. These experts help people figure out what a letter or notice of audit from the IRS means. The deluxe version of FreeTaxUSA comes with an audit center that stores information users need to respond to an IRS audit notice and get ready for an audit.


  1. Free federal electronic filing
  2. Low-cost state filing
  3. All main forms and schedules are supported.
  4. There are numerous choices for assistance.
  5. Outstanding mobile website
  6. Professional tax assistance at an affordable price

4 H&R block

When it comes to tax preparation in the US H&R Block is a well-known and trusted brand. Its websites for doing your own taxes live up to this reputation. Many of H&R Block's products and services have easy-to-use interfaces a wide range of topics covered and help that fits the situation. The company is very good at making tax issues easy to understand.

It offers a wide range of tax preparation services and guarantees that each client will get the most money back on their taxes. Their tools are good at finding the best ways for each client to prepare and send in tax returns. This is because the company has been around for more than 60 years and has a lot of experience. That is the reason why there are thousands of very positive H&R Block reviews out there.

In many ways H&R Block can be thought of as a do-it-yourself product for filling out your taxes online. Almost nothing about it that can't be changed to fit your needs. This lets it adapt to the needs of any business especially smaller ones that could use help from taxation professionals and block advisers.


  1. Great user experience and is easy to get around
  2. Help is always based on the situation.
  3. Complete easy-to-understand explanations of tax issues
  4. Excellent mobile apps
  5. Optional expert help for a fee

5 Liberty Tax

Liberty Tax Online is a physical tax preparation business that offers a white-labeled online tax filing tool. Drake Software which owns and manages powers its internet presence. In 2023 filers interested in Liberty Tax will be able to have a Liberty Tax professional file their taxes on their behalf or use the company's online filing service. This evaluation will concentrate on Liberty Tax's online filing software.

If we talk about the 2023 version there are a few improvements. There has been a good increase in liberty tax services. The Liberty Tax program looks and feels largely the same as in prior years. You'll notice updates for new tax legislation and adjustments as with all competitors. These include updated tax brackets as well as new credit and deduction limits.

You can use the File Your Taxes Remotely program if you want the comfort of filing online while having the hard work done by a human in a Liberty Tax office.


  1. You can choose between question-and-answer navigation and self-guided tax prep in this hybrid navigation paradigm.
  2. Assistance from tax specialists
  3. Online filers can get in-person assistance from tax professionals.

6 Taxslayer

TaxSlayer allows you to prepare and submit taxes online simplify returns and optimize gains and refunds for free or for a little cost. The fully featured tax preparation tool is exceptionally easy to use and includes all of the IRS forms calculations and communication links you need to successfully and time deliver your tax returns.

Many industry experts believe TaxSlayer is the most powerful tax management engine yet thanks to a cutting-edge error checker equipped with alarms and auto-corrections as well as a method that ensures taxes are processed without delays.

At the same time the platform is totally cloud-based and it can be accessed and used from any device. The TaxSlayer pricing tag is what makes it one of the great choices for all at a very reasonable price. TaxSlayer includes all of the forms calculations and communication links you'll need to prepare and electronically file your tax return.


  1. Affordable
  2. Fast
  3. A simple user interface simple navigation
  4. All key IRS forms and schedules are supported.
  5. New options for data entry

7 TaxAct

TaxAct is another way to do your own taxes that has been around for a long time. It is great at being simple. Its user interface and navigation help users understand the complicated IRS tax code and its final review is one of the two best in this group of apps. Like TurboTax and H&R Block it digs deep by asking you questions about your finances that help it find all of the deductions and credits you should get.

It has shown time and again that it can get full control over taxes. TaxAct is good for sole proprietors and businesses in many different fields. It offers a free package and guarantees the lowest prices in the business but it also helps business owners get the most tax deductions and pay the least amount of taxes possible.

You'll like that it has quick tools for entering data that let you fill out forms quickly whether you need to fill out an M-3 4562 K-1 or Schedule L. If we talk about Taxact prices it is very reasonably priced and offers a wide range of services.


  1. Good experience for users
  2. Tax topics are put in a logical order
  3. Searches for income and expenses
  4. Provides help that fits the situation
  5. Through Xpert Assist you can get free professional help

Final words

When it comes to tax filing platforms, all products are not created equal. This is the reason why we have elaborated on them in detail for you. We kept in mind all kinds of people and income slabs before creating this list.

Filing a tax won’t be rocket science for you anymore when you have experts to help you in every step. Filing tax in 2023 won’t be hectic for you. Choose the one that suits your needs from the above list to file taxes online and be free from all worries of filing taxes.