The Nerd Series

Twins Pay Off Parents’ Debt By Earning £200,000 From Making Video Games

Gaming March, 13, 2025

Matthew and Ben Horton are twin brothers. They together created an online game at the age of thirteen. As the game was free to play they got an opportunity to earn $5 in a single day. They earned it either by selling products or through optional perks such as a jet pack to fly around the game and which could also enhance the experience. The duo used to work nine to five even in Christmas holidays. They used to get $1 as weekly pocket money so $5 was a generous amount!

Both of them were completely self-taught. They didn’t get any kind of training. Where Matthew educated himself about video production through which he made trailers for the games Ben learned programming and user interface design through which he made functional and interesting games.  Back in 2010 they first discovered a platform named Roblox which allowed users to create and monetize their own games. By now they have expanded their expertise and have created videos software and merchandise. They have created several games which are made available for sale on Roblox.

For the first three years after discovering Roblox they only played games. It was in the 2013 Christmas holidays when both of them started experimenting and came up with the thought of creating their own game. That was the time when they kick-started their career in online gaming. Also the pandemic brought in an upsurge to the gaming industry. People started gaining more interest in games. Newzoo being the leading global provider of games and esports analytics predicted that the international gaming market in 2020 will be worth £120 billion.

The worth of $120 billion meant an increase of 9.3% from last year. Almost half of this increase was predicted from the mobile market. This was directly expected to reach 2.5 billion players. In other words the covid-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst for their games. Matthew mentioned that earlier their videos got around five million views. But as the pandemic situation started their views averaged 10 million! They have also seen engagement rise by about 30-40%. They have now aimed to move to the US and start their own company.

As the brothers turned 20 years old they individually earned at least $100000 per year. When compared with the average UK salary what they earn is more than thrice the average. Isn’t that amazing? The brothers invested their funding in a right direction. Firstly they paid off their parent’s mortgage. Secondly they planned to fund their siblings’ university careers. Both of them have dropped out of sixth-form in order to pursue their online gaming careers for full time.

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