The Nerd Series

Geodude Becomes Tourism Ambassador For Japan’s Iwate Prefecture

Fiction March, 13, 2025

Pikachu Bulbasaur Charmander and others could have been a better choice. We aren’t against this choice Geodude qualifies equally to be an ambassador after all each one of them is a fictional cartoon character.

However if you start explaining Geodude it’s nothing more than a stone that has arms and can hover slightly above the ground. So this news has shocked us that Japan a nation that is extremely high-tech chose Geodude as their tourism ambassador.


According to reports Iwate Prefecture a prefecture on the northeastern coast of Honshu Japan’s main island has tied up with Pokémon Company and has chosen Geodude as its official tourism ambassador for that specific area.

They have a reason to choose that specific Pokémon and things make more sense to us now. Iwate’s kanji literally translates to “rock” and “hand”.

So now we won’t be judging Japan on their choices they did make a fair choice.

Well the person who has to wear this costume won’t be able to float so they used his legs and wrapped them in a white and grey pattern maybe to give that illusion. The unique part is that Geodude has its own official theme song now. It’s not an everyday thing that a Pokémon becomes a tourism ambassador. The song is cool and has rock vibe to it.

Japan has managed to catch one Pokémon in real life So the next time you visit Iwata Prefecture make sure you get to see this one Pokémon in real life.

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